4 Reasons to Go Hiking in the Smoky Mountains During Fall

October 20, 2021

Autumn is one of the most beautiful times in the Smoky Mountains. The leaves begin to change colors and there is a chill in the air. Because of the beautiful scenery, this is the perfect season to go on a hike. Here are 4 reasons to go hiking in the Smoky Mountains during fall:

1. Fall Foliage

Clingmans Dome There is not a more breathtaking sight than to see the leaves start to change colors in the Smoky Mountains. During fall, the trees are filled with all different shades of red, yellow, and orange. The best way to take in these incredible views is with a nice hike. When you hike to the higher elevations, you will have a better view of the entire landscape. Be sure to bring your camera along so you can capture the memories to show everyone back home. Before you plan your next hiking trip, be sure to check out these amazing fall hikes in the Smokies.

2. Cooler Temperatures

While hiking in the summer is great, it can also be quite warm even in the higher elevations. However, once that fall air reaches the Smokies, the temperature becomes perfect for a nice walk. You will be able to enjoy a beautiful hike without sweating or freezing to death. While the weather is generally beautiful, we still recommend checking the forecast before hitting the trails. You may need to pack a jacket because it can get chilly once the sun goes down. The leaves changing and the cool breeze are signs that fall has arrived in the Smokies.

3. Chance to See Wildlife

bearsFall is the perfect time to go hiking in the Smoky Mountains because you have a higher chance of seeing wildlife, including black bears. The bears are more active during this time because they try to pack on weight for the winter months. Contrary to popular belief, the black bears in the Smokies do not actually hibernate. However, they do enter long periods of sleep and only leave their dens for short periods of time if they are disturbed or there is a brief warming trend. For these reasons, you are likely to see the bears out more in the fall looking to store up on extra food.

4. Great Exercise

Once the temperatures have dropped, you can enjoy longer hikes without wearing out as fast. You won’t have to worry about the hot sun bearing down on you all day, causing you to sweat and become tired. Hiking is a great way to stay in shape during the cooler months when most people decide to stay at home. Plus, you will feel less guilty about eating so much food during the holidays knowing you have gotten exercise while out on the trails!

Now that you know why you should go hiking in the Smoky Mountains during the fall, you are ready to get going! Be sure to check out these trail maps to start planning your next hike today! We hope to see you soon!