clingmans dome at dusk
June 7, 2018

There are tons of stunning sights to see in the Smokies. From local wildlife and waterfalls to inspiring mountain views! Those amazing mountains views attract millions of visitors every year, so where do you go to find the awe inspiring sights? Keep reading and we’ll share the top trails in the Smoky Mountains National Park with the best scenic views!

1. Charlies Bunion

You’ll follow along the famous Appalachian Trail in order to reach Charlies Bunion. The roundtrip length is 8 miles, and you gain almost 1600 feet in elevation! Charlies Bunion is a stunning rock outcropping that is between Mt. Kephart and Mt. Guyout. The view is gorgeous and allows you to look straight out across the valley the two mountains create.

2. The Jump Off

If you don’t have the time or ability to make it to Charlies Bunion but still want to see a killer mountain view try hiking to the Jump Off! The Jump Off is 6.5 miles round trip and gains a total of 1275 feet in elevation. To reach this destination hikers should follow the signs for Charlies Bunion. Once you reach the Boulevard Trail make a left and shortly after you’ll see a single sign for the Jump Off. Hikers can expect to see views of Mt. LeConte, Mt Guyot, and the Appalachian Trail on the east ridge.

3. Mt. LeConte

the jump off sign

Mt. Leconte is the third tallest peak in the Smoky Mountains with an elevation of 6,594 feet! There are several trails that lead to Mt. LeConte: Alum Cave Trail, Boulevard Trail, Rainbow Falls Trail, and Trillium Gap Trail. Each trail varies in difficulty, length, and elevation gain. It’s best to research each trail before starting up one. However, no matter the trail you take the reward at the top is well worth the trek up. The view from Mt. LeConte is one you won’t soon forget and will leave you in awe!

4. Chimney Tops

Chimney Tops in the Smoky Mountains

The Chimney Tops trail is one of the shortest and quickest hikes to take if you want to see a great mountain view. Roundtrip the length is around 3 miles. While this hike is short be aware that in just two miles you will gain almost 1,400 feet in elevation, so it’s steep! The trail has a flat observation point that is perfect to see some pretty mountain views and to have a small picnic and sit to rest.

5.Kuwohi Observation Tower

Kuwohi (formerly known as Clingmans Dome) is the highest point in the Smoky Mountains. It has an elevation of 6,643 feet! It’s another one of the shortest trails in the Smoky Mountains National Park that has a spectacular mountain view at the end! The roundtrip length is 1 mile and the path up to the observation tower is paved. The observation tower offers 360-degree views of the Smokies! It’s a perfect place to watch a sunset or sunrise.

mt cammerer fire tower6. Mt. Cammerer Fire Tower

The hike to the Mt. Cammerer Fire Tower starts out like the hike to the Chimney Tops – steep. The roundtrip length is about 11 miles, and while it has steep terrain, there are portions of the hike that are level and offer beautiful views. When you finally reach an elevation of 4928 feet you’ll find the fire lookout which is a great vantage point. Many hikers who reach this point say that on good days this is one of the best if not the best view to see in the Smoky Mountains.

It’s hard to beat the stunning mountain views that you’ll find on these trails in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Go out and discover what other great Smoky Mountain hiking trails are waiting to be explored!